Make it Professional

Remember what your English teacher used to say?
Make sure to dot your "i"s and cross your "t"s!

One of my pet peeves is reading websites that are full of mistakes. Is your website one of them? They speak of misdemeanor, not professionalism. Oh, I'm sure your the guy or gal behind their that has things all covered, but that's not what you seem to be saying...

You see, when I read your website and find grammar, spelling and punctuation mistakes, I inwardly cringe. It makes me wonder if YOU are serious about what you are selling or what service you are offering (and I'm sure if I thought about it, so have others as well).

I mean, if your website isn't professional, then maybe you, too, are less than...pleasant. Of course, I'm sure that you are professional and everything that your products/services claim to be. 

So, let's try to make it professional and not pejorative!

Which means, if you've been tagged, don't take it personally. It just means I've come across your website and found it to be English grammar and composition! Not to worry, you can enlist me to upgrade your status (pronto to perfecto) or do it yourself...

But please, do it quickly, because others are also getting miffed at those unpleasantries and affronts against the English language!