Make it Professional

Ah, yes, this is the part where I get to gush about myself... I will try to keep it short, but mind you, since you ARE interested to find out about me, this may drag on for a while! Here goes:

My name is Cat (Catherine) Wilson. I confess, I love to play and poke about, and the pen is my chosen weapon! Or perhaps it chose me, as I've been writing since I was a child.

I'm a native English speaker living in Canada. I've been to college (two, in fact, for different degrees) and also been to university (Concordia and McGill), also for different degrees. Like most people, I've worked at various jobs...

What it comes down to is that I have knowledge and experience in: health, fitness, diet, well-being, sex and relationships (if you really want me to ramble on about my titles, try psychotherapist, life coach, personal trainer, and raw & vegan educator...Not to worry, I'm working on adding naturopathic doctor to my status roles!).

Of course, what you may be asking is yes, but where does the English come in?

Well, besides writing creatively since being a tween{think poems, short stories, my diary, my blog, etc.);

written hundreds of papers ever since whenever the educational system said we had to know about composition and research (did I tell you that I impressed my tight-lipped grammar and death-fixated English teacher by getting 89 % on my paper---the highest mark he would allow for us illiterates);

having been told by many that I'm a "born" natural writer (sigh, I must confess I do love the gift of singing---in word, not the shower---heaven knows I'd win Idol's Worst Singer Ever);

having attempted Concordia University's English Honors program (just not my path of life);

written a master's thesis (where I analyzed the data qualitatively, meaning analyzing WORDS);

I must admit that I tend to notice and automatically edit in my mind any written material that I happen to be reading.

Yes, mistakes are everywhere! I've seen 'em in textbooks, fiction books, movie subtitles, college and university material, and yes, on MANY WEBSITES....including perhaps yours, too, if you are reading this.

Oh, did I mention I'm also a part-time translator? French to English (Spanish? no habla espagnol! although I used to at one time, and also Greek...). I also have published a few articles on other websites and I'm currently working on my personal website, (articles should be posted soon).

Well, then. Do you know that their are mistakes on MY website?! I've made most of them obvious in red, but their (oops, their should be THERE) might be a few others as well. I know, I know...we're not perfect! Neither am I, by far, I admit! But I do have the audacity to say so, and you should, too.

So, I sincerely hope that you fix up your website and have tons of folks rave about it (not to mention your excellent customer service and devil-do-care attitude! ---eh, some expressions just shouldn't be messed about with...).

Happy blogging, surfing, tweeting, Ebaying, (is that a word?) and whatever else you do on the web and hope to hear from you soon!